Refund Request
In keeping with our no questions asked guarantee refund policy, we will refund the full price of the eBooks.
Do allow us time to refund you. If you don't hear back within 2-3 days, send a reminder email. The email address is on the contact page. We will advise you of what's happening.
First, locate your receipt in your email.
From the email, copy & paste the relevant info into the form fields: 1-5. (At the very top include a contact email address. We will reply to the contact email.)
If you are having problems finding your receipt, try searching with: "Stripe" or "Stripe Receipt". If you cannot locate the receipt, it is important not to guess when filling in the form. Inaccurate information will cause delays. Click the Orange Section titled "Having Problems? Lets see what we can do" for more info about locating a lost receipt and/or making alternative arrangements.
* All Fields are Required.
Sometimes forms on websites do not work as expected
If this is the case use the information below to request a refund via email.
- For quickest results... Use the same email address you made the purchase from.
- Locate your receipt in your email in box. Just cut and paste your receipt into the email body.
- Then send us your request for a refund. We'll do our best to get in contact with you within 48 hours.
The email address to send to is on the contact page.
Make Sure your Refund Email Has the Following
- Copy & Paste to Subject Line: HSB Refund
This will make sure our email filter picks it up and immediately marks it as "Important"
- At the top of the email body include: The email address used for the purchase
This will be the email your receipt was sent to or the email where the login details were sent to. While you can send the request for a refund using any current email address, the refund will be that much quicker if it originates from that original purchase email address.
- Below the purchase email address, simply copy & paste the entire Stripe receipt.
If you'd rather not send the entire email, then just find the following 5 points in red with the email
Double Check
Before sending the email , double check that the email has these 5 details:
- 1. The email address used for the purchase
- 2. Your Name
- 3. Receipt #
- 4. Amount Paid
- 5. Date Paid
Once you send it you should receive the following reply a shortly after confirming it's arrived.
"Thank you. Your message has been received. We'll be back in touch shortly."
With all the necessary information, we'll process the refund immediately and advise you once it's done. Note: it might take a few day after we process the refund to be credited back to your account.
Again, thank you for checking out the book.
Can't locate your receipt?
The payment processor is Stripe. If you are having problems finding it in your email try searching your email with: "Stripe" or "Stripe Receipt" around the date of purchase.
Think you might have deleted the receipt?
Ouch! That's awkward. Without a receipt it might take us a little longer as we'll have to search around Stripe to find your info. With a lost receipt the email address that was used for payment / receipt becomes very important. If you can send your request from that email address to get things started that will be a great help. Next,
If the Receipt is Lost
Click on the green button The Refund Request Form is Not Working? and scroll down to "Double Check". If possible, include as many of the 5 points listed under 'Double-Check' you can remember. At the very least include: 1. Email used for purchase and 2. Your Name. (and feel free to include any other information that might be relevant.) If we need clarification or more info, we'll be in touch. Give us a day or 3.
Can a refund be to a different card or account?
No. And that's a definite no. It's a requirement that all refunds must be returned to the account the original payment came from. On this we have no say. If you have a new card, your bank will work it out. Should you need more info to take to your bank, just get in touch
Please allow us time to refund you.
If you don't hear back within a reasonable time, at least 2-3 days (48-72 hours) just resend the email. Sometimes vacations, weekends, or even time zones can cause a delay. We will get onto it ASAP. We'll let you know with a reply to your email, immediately after we've issued it at our end. DO keep an eye on your account, as it might take a few days for the refund to return. If there's a hold up, we'll let you know.
Payment Processor Dispute.
If you feel the need to open a dispute with the payment processor, we would respectfully ask that you just wait another few days, especially if you have heard nothing from us at all. We could be out of reach as occasionally we do get out of range of internet. Do send at least 1 or 2 "reminders" to us first. Why? The reason is, that once a dispute is made a refund might be taken out of our hands and an investigation begins that will definitely cause a further delay.
Still No Luck?
Please send us an email using the address from the contact page, and let's see if we can get it sorted out.
We WILL refund you as soon as we can.
That's a promise.