This hypnosis scripts book has been created from scripts that have been donated or made available in a number of various ways by hypnotists and hypnotherapists from around the world, many of whom have not sought recognition.
To those hypnotists who have donated scripts we all offer a big thank you!
These scripts have been a boon for all hypnotists; whether students learning the art and science of hypnosis or experienced hypnotherapists just seeking inspiration.
Disclaimer: The scripts in this book have been collated in this edition in good faith. All the scripts are believed to be in the public domain and are able to be included in this book. Should a reader become aware a hypnosis script has been included in this collection that should not be there, the editor would like to be informed by the relevant person so that we can take appropriate steps to have it removed.
Please report typos etc., via the contact page
The individual scripts are able to be used as is by hypnotists with clients, although we strongly suggest they be tailored for the individual client. Due to complexities in copyright law, we cannot recommend that they be used “as is” to make recordings for commercial use.
Many scripts have “Instructions to Hypnotist.” These instructions are bracketed in blue and italicized to differentiate them from the actual hypnosis script. They are comments and hints to assist the hypnotist and should not be read to the client.
The content in this book is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for hypnotic training, or professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
This book is copyright and may not be re-sold, loaned, reproduced, or given away in any format.
© Copyright 2022